Rescue Tales: Inspiring Animal Stories

Dog of the Week: Lacey
Lacey is a friendly and outgoing chocolate lab looking for a family of her own!...

Cat of the Week: Ruckus
Ruckus first joined Last Hope in 2020; he was adopted by a wonderful family and...

Dog of the Week: Ziva
Hello! My name is Ziva. If you’re looking for a fun-loving, energetic, and goofy girl,...

Cats of the Week: Champ and Roxy
Roxy and Champ originally joined Last Hope in 2018 as tiny kittens in a larger...

Dog of the Week: Asher
Asher’s story is an incredible before-and-after tale of what a difference a little help and...

Bunny of the Week: Sundae
Sundae has ears to hear you coming and a nose for spunk. She is energetic...

Volunteers of the Month: Regina and Chuck Everhart
Regina and Chuck have been volunteering for about three years. They have always taken in...