Dog of the Week: Vegas

Julia D Uncategorized

Vegas is an attention seeker! He will stay by your side and demand pets all day. He tends to be more cautious and shy when found in new areas or when handled by strangers, but once he is comfortable, he will show his more playful side. He has learned to play tug and fetch. He knows to sit before every meal …

Donors, This Is For You!

Julia D Uncategorized

This month, instead of recognizing one of our amazing volunteers, we’re turning the focus on the donors who support us with monetary donations and donations of items we need. We are so very thankful for ALL the donors who make what we do possible! Whether you’re able to give $5 or $5,000 or a roll of paper towels, every donation …

June 2018 Volunteer of the Month: Melinda Kadera

Julia D Uncategorized

Our Volunteer of the Month for June 2018 is hard-working Melinda Kadera! Melinda has volunteered for Last Hope since 2013 when she heard about us through her sister. When she first started she did a lot of transports of dogs coming from other states to Last Hope. She also helped clean kennels in Solon, back before the Adoption Center was …

My Life With Rescued Dogs

Julia D Uncategorized

Natalie’s family fosters for Last Hope and she wrote this great piece for her home school group. Great job, Natalie! My Life with Rescued Dogs By Natalie Martin 4th grade My story begins on February 8, 2014 when my family and I met a sick, emaciated, German Shorthaired Pointer named Beanie. Our German Shorthaired Pointer, Major, had passed away in …

Cat of the Week: Baby

Julia D Cat of the Week, Uncategorized

Baby “Toes” is a cat for people who loves cats. She is a diva and a lover who sets her own terms. She loves quiet time and lots of attention, but she doesn’t care to be picked up. She is playful and has a lot to say when she wants you to pay attention to her. And those big, beautiful …


Julia D Uncategorized

Hey, welcome to our new digs! We (and by “we” I mean Andrea!) have been working hard behind the scenes to bring you a new and improved website and blog. The website went live today and can be found at You can find the blog by selecting it on the left side of the site or come here directly at …