Volunteer of the Month: Shalome Tonelli

Julia D Volunteer of the Month

Last Hope is a mostly foster-based animal rescue meaning that most of our pets stay in people’s homes until they find their forever homes. That makes our fosters extremely important to our mission. Shalome Tonelli and her family lost their own rescue dog earlier this year and turned to fostering as a way to still have dogs in the house. They have helped three dogs find their forever homes so far.

Shalome says, “We enjoy seeing the dogs learn new skills, enjoy playing outside and going on hikes, and how they open up to new experiences in our home and community. My husband and I have 8 kids between ages 11-16 and the kids love having dogs around to walk, play with, and cuddle.”

We couldn’t do what we do for the animals without families like hers opening their homes to dogs waiting for their forever families. Thank you Shalome and family for all the work you do!