Volunteer of the Month: Angela Sievert

This month we honor Angela Sievert because she does so much for the cats of Last Hope. She started out working morning cat care shifts at the Adoption Center. Angela enjoyed the quiet environment and opportunity to greet each cat and give them all some love. From there she moved onto fostering cats and kittens and she can’t count the number of kitties that have stayed at her house while they waited for their forever homes. She also trains new volunteers, helps at events, processes foster and adoption applications, does home visits, and runs to vets’ offices and PetSmart where some of our cats reside. It definitely keeps her busy!
Angela started volunteering in September of 2016 after her family had moved from Wisconsin to Iowa. She decided she needed to do something to meet people in her

new home and also wanted to do something she loved: caring for cats. She did some research and found Last Hope and it seemed like a good fit because the volunteer schedules are flexible and she could volunteer as much, or as little, as she had time for.
Of course, as happens a lot, Angela fell in love with a couple of cats and decided to make them a part of their family. Now Vinnie and Tater Tot (formerly Tatum) reside at their house and are living their best lives with them.
Angela says of volunteering at Last Hope: “I love volunteering at Last Hope because I love being part of a team that wants what’s only the best for each and every cat they bring in. I love helping to find a forever family for a cat that may be timid or shy. I love seeing a cat that is shy or scared morph into their own personality as we as volunteers make them feel more comfortable. Cats have a special quality that brings out a calmness in me and I love being able to not only make a difference in their lives but they make a difference in mine as well.”
And we love having you as part of the team, Angela! Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication.
Tags: Volunteer of the Month