Happy Tail: Willow

Julia D Happy Tails

Alex was looking for a companion for her cat, Blue. A friend had recently adopted from Last Hope so she decided to check out the available cats on our site. She knew the kind of personality that would probably fit with Blue the best – a young girl, bold enough not to let her brother boss her around too much. Alex saw Willow’s bio and pictures and based on the description of her being a sassy and sweet cat felt she could be a good fit.

Alex was a little nervous about how the two would get along when Willow came home. Blue hadn’t been around other animals for about a year and Willow was used to a foster family with lots of people and animals to play with. But after only a couple of days, Alex saw Blue and Willow curled up together and she knew she had made the right choice. Alex says, “Their bond has continued and they have a hilarious dynamic. Willow is the ever-mischievous one leading the pack and Blue cautiously but curiously follows behind, unable to resist whatever chaos his sister is getting them into.”

According to Alex, Willow is all things sassy and mischievous; she loves exploring, she’s endlessly curious and wants to be involved in everything going on! She’s also sweet and when she wants loving she will head butt you until you give in and let her under the covers. Another favorite spot is curled around your neck. “Willow doesn’t quite understand personal space, but we’re okay with it.”

Ironically, both Blue and Willow will play fetch with Alex. Another reason why they were meant to be together. She loves to climb and explore, especially the window screens that Mom constantly tells her to stop climbing!

There’s always a chance that two pets may look compatible on paper but don’t really get along in real life. That is definitely not the case with Willow and Blue! Alex definitely made the right choice when she adopted Willow and we’re so glad everything worked out so well.