Rescue Tales: Inspiring Animal Stories

Woman holding a gray and white cat.

Cat of the Week: Opal

Opal is a gorgeous and friendly senior kitty in need of a loving home to give...

Dog of the Week: Brownie

Brownie was born on December 4, 2023. He was one puppy in a litter of...
Black and white cat relaxing on bed.

Cat of the Week: Jazzy

Jazzy is a sweet, shy seven-year-old neutered long-haired male. He loves people and wants to...
Man kneeling with dog on floral rug.

Volunteer of the Month: Peter Zevenbergen

Peter Zevenbergen is retired and recently lost his canine companion. A friend recommended Last Hope...
Brown dog standing on a black grate.

Dog of the Week: Nala Bee

Nala Bee is an active and playful dog who loves to go on adventures whether...
Three puppies cuddling on a dog bed.

Dogs of the Week: Stella’s Puppies

Stella is a beautiful brindle-colored female who joined Last Hope in a state of emergency;...

Volunteers of the Month: Cristi and Darrin Hearn

Cristi and Darrin Hearn adopted a dog, Maggie, from Last Hope and that’s how they...
Black and brown dog with tongue out.

Dog of the Week: Tater Tot

Tater Tot is a healthy and happy adult male dog around 50 pounds and 1.5...
A black cat laying on a rug in a living room.

Cat of the Week: Olive

Olive was just a teeny kitten when she and her littermates joined rescue. Olive had a rough...
A white dog sitting in a green lawn chair.

Happy Tail: Ippos

Ippos, formerly Baymax, found a wonderful home with Irene and Blake. He has separation anxiety...