Rescue Tales: Inspiring Animal Stories

Max 2

Dog of the Week: Max

Are you a Labrador lover? Meet Max, he's got all the best traits of a...

Cat of the Week: Trixie

It’s a well-known fact that Trixie is a stunning house panther with golden eyes and...

Dog of the Week: Otis

Otis is a happy-go-lucky fun-loving 1 year old mixed breed that came in from a...

Cat of the Week: Prince

In what can only be described as a fairy tale, this Prince was once living...
Tally 2

Dog of the Week: Tally

Meet Tally, a 3-4 month old pitty mix with a whole lot of sass and...
Thin Mint

Cat of the Week: Thin Mint

Thin Mint: A Minty-Fresh Delight! Introducing Thin Mint, a bit under a year old, this...

Dog of the Week: Khloe

Khloe is a 7 years young English Mastiff, aged to perfection who lost her family due...

Cat of the Week: Maisleigh

Meet Maisleigh. This adorable little lady is estimated to be 1-2 years old and her...
Ruthie 5

Happy Tail: Huckleberry (formerly Ruthie)

Eric and Dana had already adopted a dog from Last Hope so they were familiar...
Palmer 2

Dog of the Week: Palmer

Miss Palmer is a petite little 2 to 3-year-old Bluetick mix weighing a mere 40 lbs. ...