Happy Tail: Bobo

Kristen and her family were interested in adding a dog to their family. After a recommendation from their vet, they started looking at our available dogs online. The family saw Bobo and submitted an application and were approved. They appreciated being able to talk to his foster family about their experience with him before the adoption was finalized.

Bobo is now a great part of the family. He loves being near his people and prefers when they are all home. He also enjoys visits from relatives (he gets extra belly rubs and snuggles!).

During the adjustment period, Bobo was kind of a nervous guy. He didn’t want to be apart from Kristen and tried to follow her into the car when she ran errands. He seems to realize that they will always come home to him.

The family loves that he is snuggly and soft, gives great welcome home greetings, is fun to walk, and checks on the kids if anyone is crying. Bobo is a belly-rub monster! He would gladly get belly rubs all day if his family had the time. He also loves walks and relaxing on the kids’ giant bean bags.

Kristen, Scott, Jack, Will, and Charley fell in love with Bobo (even his silly name!) and are so glad he’s a member of their family.
