Dog of the Week: Ollie

Ollie is a very special dog with a very sad background in search of a loving forever family. He was hit by a truck and left for dead on the side of the road, his spine was fractured from the blow.  Through the kindness of strangers, Ollie was rescued and received the medical attention he so desperately needed.  His spine has healed, although he walks with a limp, he is learning to run and play and just be a happy dog again!  Ollie is medically recovered and in need of a loving home that can offer him no stairs – those are still tricky! Ollie is also best suited for a home with older children as he can experience some sensitivity on his underside and wouldn’t want to scare a small child if he felt a little pain.

Ollie is in foster care and loves to run and play. His foster home has put him on some very inexpensive over the counter arthritis supplement for humans. He is responding remarkably. He will always have a little limp, which is pronounced when he is tired. He has taken it on himself to practice the three steps in the back yard to get a better vantage point to play, so a few steps with lots of patience would work out. He travels fine, but, does not like being picked up so a ramp would help him. He likes kids and everyone, and trips to Petco are great fun. He is very affectionate and gives kisses and head buts for attention. He is a little protective of his food and gets fed in his crate. He insists on 2 walks a day, just a few blocks, but, man does he love those walks. Bunnies beware here comes Ollie.

If you’re interested in Ollie, please complete an application HERE or email [email protected].