Volunteer of the Month: Shannon Studt

Shannon Studt has been a dependable volunteer at Last Hope for about six years. She began after Googling local rescues and researching Last Hope. She liked what she learned and contacted us to get started.
Shannon helps at adoption events, Barks & Brew, parades, transporting dogs to the veterinary clinic, and she will help with home checks when it is needed in her area. During

COVID, when the can recycling place was closed, she let Last Hope store thousands of dollars worth of cans and bottles in her barn.
As if all that wasn’t enough, she has also fostered 20 dogs in her home. She says, “Fostering is so rewarding and knowing the animals you foster are going to forever families that will love and cherish them as much as you do makes it all worth it. I get asked if it’s hard to let them go, the answer is YES!!

Sometimes I cry leaving but know that they will be loved and with an opening in my home we can save another one.” She likes keeping in contact with the forever families and getting updates about how the dogs are doing.

In her spare time, she enjoys traveling and educating people about terrible puppy mills. She also enjoys the company of her two senior cats, Callie and Gracie.
Sometimes volunteers come and go as their lives get busy, but Shannon has remained dependable and trustworthy during the past six years. We couldn’t do what we do without volunteers like Shannon!

Tags: Volunteer of the Month