October Happy Tail: Jackson

Meow, I’m Jackson,
Last Hope rescued me back in January 2017 from an awful situation. I’m so glad they did because I was so scared.
Barb from LHAR fostered me. I don’t understand what that means but I know I was okay. Then, one day she took me to a cat ADOPTION party. I catnapped there because that’s what I do. Next they took me into a quiet room were I met this lady named Julli. She hugged me, cried happy tears. SHE WAS EXCITED!

I also met Julli’s husband, John. They took me to a place they call “HOME.” Home has clean water (I like it from a faucet), yummy food, fish in a tank, toys, and these larger animals, called grandchildren. They are loud, fun, and silly just like me. I enjoy running out from under the bed to scare them.
I love my new family and they love me! My life is purr-fect!
Jackson, Julli and John

Tags: Happy Tails