Happy Tail: Bowie

Brittany found us through PetFinder and applied to be an adopter on the very first day. The first thing she noticed about Bowie were his beautiful copper-colored eyes. Also, she grew up with Golden Retrievers and Labs and Bowie was a mix of the two!

Brittany met with the foster and got to interact with Bowie on a short-term basis first. When she felt the match was right, she adopted him. He was being called Diesel at his foster home but Brittany wanted to name him either Freddie (for Freddie Mercury) or Bowie (for David Bowie). When she met him she knew he was definitely a Bowie. 30 minutes and 20 training treats later, he knew his new name!

At first, Bowie was young and still had puppy energy. Brittany wasn’t sure at first if she was ready for that kind of energy but after a short time, he calmed down and became the great dog he is today. He’s very well-behaved (unless there’s food on the counter!) and does still have a little puppy left in him even though he’s about 11 now.

Bowie loves food! But he’s also down for a good walk with lots of sniffs and some snuggling. Bowie lives with Brittany and her cat, Odin.

Bowie has Lyme disease but Brittany says people should still give pets a chance who are infected. Bowie has lived a very healthy and happy life and his vet says he’s the healthiest 11-year-old she sees. “Take a chance on a pet with Lyme disease, they can live perfectly happy and healthy lives and will thank you for the love!”

We’re so glad Brittany took a chance on Bowie because he’s obviously living the good life with her!

A logo for jaia kennels with a black paw print.
