Cat of the Week: Bandit

At first, this handsome guy is very shy but once he warms up to you he will play like a kitten! He loves string and balls, and will even play by himself. Carrying a ball to the top of the stairs and dropping it, he will go get the ball and repeat. Bandit is a lover, his ideal home would be one that has other cat-friendly pets. Dog or cat, he just wants another animal to sleep with, play with, and rub up against. He is good with older kids as well, and although Bandit will probably never be a lap cat and does not like being held or picked up, he never claws his way free. He does, however, LOVE a good rubbing or head scratch.

He can be skittish but will bow his head to you when he is ready for petting. He is truly a cat’s cat! A window to look out and sunshine to lay in, and you’ll see that this vocal cat is a wonderful addition to any cat-loving home. He will just need a little time to come out of his shell. Bandit is about five years old.

Bandit’s adoption fee is $85 and includes neuter surgery, being up to date on vaccinations and preventives, and a microchip with free lifetime registration.

Bandit would love a foster or forever home! If you are interested in fostering Bandit, please visit HERE. If you would like to meet him to potentially adopt him, please visit HERE.