Cat of the Week: Annie
Annie is a sweet and loving two-year-old looking for her forever home – and when you hear her story, you will understand that this pretty girl deserves nothing but the best from here on out. In early 2014, Last Hope was called in to help with a serious hoarding case. What likely started as one woman’s good intentions to help stray and abandoned cats quickly got out of control as unaltered cats bred and produced one litter after another. By the time Last Hope intervened, there were more than 50 cats in the home –most in need of spay/neuter and vaccinations, many sick and malnourished. Our Annie was one of those cats.
She arrived at Last Hope very pregnant, and missing an eye – no one knows what happened. She had her kittens within a few days and was very protective of them as she struggled to adjust to a strange, new environment. She was transferred to Kitty City and she really started to come out of her shell, gaining confidence and becoming more social and loving under the care of volunteers. When Kitty City lost their building in December, Annie came back to Last Hope.

All of her kittens have been adopted, but she is still waiting for someone to see how special she is. Annie has become much more social over the last year. She is very affectionate and loves to rub up against you for some attention. She loves having her ears rubbed and scratched and will happily climb into your lap for more pets. She is good with children and other cats, but would also be fine as an only pet – she would like to have you all to herself! She is looking for a family that can see what a sweet and beautiful girl she is – she doesn’t let her missing eye hold her back and it shouldn’t hold you back, either! Please give this young, healthy, loving girl a chance – she has her whole life ahead of her and she wants to share it with you.
If you’re interested in Annie, please complete an application HERE or send an email to [email protected].