Volunteer of the Month: Heather Harris

Heather Harris had been fostering animals in the Des Moines area, and then she moved to Cedar Rapids. After getting settled, she looked for a rescue to volunteer and foster for and found Last Hope which seemed like it would be a good fit for her. She’s been volunteering and fostering since 2020.

She wears many hats at Last Hope. She fosters dogs, cats, and kittens (which can be a lot of work!). Heather also occasionally fosters while other foster families go on vacation. When Last Hope has events, we know we can count on her to help out. She has volunteered at Barks & Brew, Dock Dogs, Wag-O-Ween, plus miscellaneous adoption events we have throughout the year. Heather has also walked in parades with the Last Hope float. On a more day-to-day basis, she helps out in the cat area (cleaning, socializing, etc.) on her day off of her job. She has helped with processing applications by performing background checks and doing home visits. And Heather has also handled dogs at events and taken them on outings to Dairy Queen for pup cups!

When asked why she likes volunteering for Last Hope, she said, “I love being able to make a positive difference in the lives of the animals at Last Hope… whether that’s through providing them with a loving home while they await adoption, giving them a break from the Adoption Center by taking them on an outing, or just spending time with them at the Center. Seeing the dogs and cats happy and thriving is so rewarding… especially when they’ve come into rescue sick or injured and get well or come in shy or shut down and begin to open up and trust again.”

When foster families find a pet that especially tugs at their heartstrings and they end up adopting them, we lovingly call that a “foster fail.” It can be difficult to let the animals go after having them in their home for a while. Even though she has been fostering for over eight years, Heather has had only one foster fail – a beagle named Maely. She tells people it was, “love at first sight!”

Heather is an amazing volunteer and foster and Last Hope is lucky to have her. We know we can count on her to follow through when she makes a commitment and that is very important. Thank you, Heather, for ALL the wonderful work you do!

A green background with the name julia and a paw print.