A grey cat laying on a red and black blanket.

Cat of the Week: Harrison

Harrison is a handsome, playful young man that is new to Last Hope and we...
A black dog standing on the grass with his mouth open.

Dog of the Week: Gypsy

Gypsy is a very affectionate, sweet, and loving girl who just wants to be with...
An orange and white cat with a pink collar.

Cat of the Week: Garcia

I’m a pretty laid back gal. I spend most of my time napping and purring...
Person, an adoptable terrier & chihuahua mix in cleveland, oh.

Dog of the Week: Jazz

Jazz is a two-year-old neutered male wire terrier looking for his forever family! He has...
A black and white cat looking at the camera.

Happy Tail: Opal (formerly Sandra)

Lauren and Benjamin were looking to add a long-haired kitty to their family. They already...
White and brown dog on carpet.

Volunteer of the Month: Jen Harleen

“Last Hope goes above and beyond for all of their animals. Lots of love, tears,...
A black and white cat in a red box with the words yahzee.

Cat of the Week: Yahtzee

Yahtzee was found in Cedar Falls with her siblings and mother. She is about one...
A black and white dog standing in front of a house.

Dog of the Week: Booker

What a face! If we could give Booker another name, we might have just gone with...
A grey and white cat sitting on a red cushion.

Cat of the Week: Cherry-O

Cherry-O was found with her littermates and mother outside in the Cedar Falls area. They...
A brown and white boxer dog standing in front of a fence.

Dog of the Week: Sarge in Charge

Mr. Sarge in Charge is ready to find a forever home! This handsome English Bulldog...