A man and woman laying on a couch with a dog.

Happy Tail: Bosco (formerly Harley)

On the one year anniversary of Bosco’s adoption, Emily sent us an email telling us...
A black dog sitting in the back seat of a car.

Dog of the Week: Jasmine

Hello, I’m Jasmine and I am a Texas girl looking for my new home in...
A white dog with a red collar sitting on the ground.

Dog of the Week: Ace

Hi, I’m Ace! I am a 2 yr old very energetic boy! I love my...
A black cat laying on a red rug.

Cat of the Week: Bahati

I’m Bahati and I was found by the woman who would become my foster mother...
A small brown dog with a purple collar sitting on the ground.

Dog of the Week: Jenny

Hello, I’m Jenny! I am about 4-5 yrs old and a bit on the shy...
An orange and white cat sitting on top of a shelf.

Cat of the Week: Cassie

Cassie is a petite, senior girl. She’s currently living at Cedar Run Pet Boarding and...
A black and white dog wearing a red vest in a kitchen.

Dog of the Week: Jerry

Howdy!  I’m Jerry! My foster dad says that I’ve got a spirit like that Rudy...
A black cat standing on a tile floor.

Cat of the Week: Broxton

Hi, my name Broxton, but I answer to Brock.  I came from a hoarding situation...
A dog laying on a wicker couch.

Happy Tail: Hope (fka Brownie)

A little over a year ago Hope came into Tim’s life. It was about six...
An orange tabby cat laying in a grey cat bed.

December Volunteer of the Month: Lynn Kennedy

Here is what Lynn Kennedy said about her experience volunteering for Last Hope… My family...