A collage of pictures of a dog in a kayak.

Happy Tail: Hurricane Peach

When Jen and Scott were looking to add a dog to their family they felt...
A black and white cat with a feather in its mouth.

Cat of the Week: De Ja Vu

When you are involved in a rescue of several cats at one time, it’s like deja...
A black and tan dog sitting on the sidewalk.

Dog of the Week: Zelda

The lovely Zelda is still available and waiting for her forever home. This little girl...
A gray cat laying in a wicker basket with toys.

Cat of the Week: Gotcha

Hello!  My foster Mom dubbed me “Gotcha,” after months of trying to catch me from...
A brown dog standing in the snow.

Dog of the Week: Lacey

My name is Lacey! I am about 6 yrs old and I love to cuddle...
A black and white cat sits on top of a stuffed animal.

Cat of the Week: Aunt Bethany

Aunt Bethany is a small kitty with a somewhat big name! Aunt Bethany is a...
A small brown dog sitting on a bed with a stuffed animal.

Happy Tail: Eddie

While searching for a dog to adopt, Mary Dee came across Eddie’s picture and bio...

Cats of the Week: Blackie and Panther

We have two wonderful cats to feature this week: Blackie and Panther. We would like...

Volunteer of the Month: Lori Arbuckle

Over 10 years ago Lori was working for Friends of the Shelter in Vinton when...

The Importance of Dog and Cat Dental Care

It’s estimated that 85% of all pets have periodontal disease by the time they are...