A brown and white dog sitting on a wooden bench.

Dog of the Week: Fargo

My name is Fargo and I joined Last Hope all the way from Texas this...
A calico cat curled up on top of a couch.

Cat of the Week: Ava

Hello, my name is Ava. I’m back at Last Hope because my beloved owner is...
A black and white dog laying in the grass with a leash.

Dog of the Week: Legacy (Lucy)

Hi, Lucy here! My name was Legacy when I arrived in Iowa, but my foster...
A gray cat sitting in a cage with a purple bowl.

Cat of the Week: Stella

STELLA!! (Sorry, we couldn’t resist.) Stella is a talkative, inquisitive girl. She loves having the...
Two dogs laying on a wooden deck.

Volunteer of the Month: Jane Vraspier

Jane met a volunteer from Last Hope at a soccer tournament. She saw the volunteer’s...
A black dog standing in front of a door looking out.

Happy Tail: Izzy

Larry and Teresa heard about Last Hope from a foster who works with Larry. They...
A black and brown dog standing in the grass.

Dog of the Week: Martin

Hey, I’m Martin! I’m a young energetic guy who loves to be around my people...
Two white cats sitting in a cage.

Cats of the Week: Silas and Ivory

Looking for a pair of handsome cuties to keep you company? Look no more, meet...
Person, an adoptable chihuahua & chihuahua mix in cleveland,.

Dog of the Week: Lacey

My name is Lacey! I am about 6 yrs old and I love to cuddle...
A black and white dog sitting on grass.

Dog of the Week: Shadow

Hi, my name is  Shadow!    I am a goofy bundle of enthusiasm, so I need...